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 MIRROR (Spa) Harvest Ep out now! Death doom

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Messages : 214
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2018
Localisation : Nord

MIRROR (Spa) Harvest Ep out now! Death doom Empty
MessageSujet: MIRROR (Spa) Harvest Ep out now! Death doom   MIRROR (Spa) Harvest Ep out now! Death doom I_icon_minitimeVen 18 Oct - 14:05

MIRROR - Harvest Ep out now!

MIRROR (Spa) Harvest Ep out now! Death doom Mirror_cover

Originating from Spain, MIRROR practices Old school mid paced death metal and creeping death doom, in the spirit of the old bands.
This Ep contains four songs engraved in the tomb with a crushing HM-2 guitar sound.

Now released on pro CDr/ Digifile by VISCERAL CIRCUITRY
Limited to 50 copies.

MIRROR (Spa) Harvest Ep out now! Death doom Mirror_cd

Get it from:
Nihilistic Distro:

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Messages : 214
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2018
Localisation : Nord

MIRROR (Spa) Harvest Ep out now! Death doom Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIRROR (Spa) Harvest Ep out now! Death doom   MIRROR (Spa) Harvest Ep out now! Death doom I_icon_minitimeMer 11 Déc - 19:27

MIRROR (Spa) Harvest Ep out now! Death doom Mirror_flyer2
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MIRROR (Spa) Harvest Ep out now! Death doom
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